
JAX Decimator

Samplerate and Bit Reduction Processor

Sound degradation usually generates new overtones and interesting frequency componets. This secret weapon was developed for spiceing up digital sound with some ancient dirt in a controlled manner. 

What's this ???








Reducing resolution of audio surprisingly generates paradox but interesting sonic results due to the fact, that a wide range of new overtones is produced this way. Low fidelity audio of that sort therefore is a production secret of many professional musicians and also mostly the reason for the legendary characteristics of some ancient production equipment caused by the technical limitations of that time. 

Modern styles often will profit from controlled degradation of certain parts, adding som magic and spice to the entire result. 

With JAX Decimator you can artificially and creatively degrade your audio streams mainly based on 2 fundamentally different reducing mechanisms. These are step-less sample rate reduction and fractional bit depth reduction. Additionally there are several specialised filters available to fine-tune the results of these quite raw sounding signal degenerators. 

The audio effect also includes some complex DSP boost from our analog modelled JAF Collection. 




Read or download the manual for the product in PDF format.





 YouTube video(s) :



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